PVC Shrink Film Supplier
We’ve been a leading provider of shrink film products for over thirty-five years.
Let our packaging help you show off your products in style — with our shrink film solutions!
PVC Shrink Film Supplier
When it comes time to package your product you want to choose a packaging film that will improve product appearance and quality. Traco is an industry leading shrink film plastic supplier of the finest PVC packaging films available. Traco’s PVC shrink film will package your products to meet the most stringent standards enforced.
Popular among manufacturers, Traco’s PVC shrink films are known for their smooth, flat surface, highly reflective appearance, and high clarity. It is very versatile and will perform well on low, medium, or high-speed applications.
This manufacturer favorite film is often used by suppliers of art and frame products, DVDs, and Blue-ray cases. PVC shrink film is ideal for manufacturers or suppliers of candles due to its ability to resist color bleed and odor leaching, although any product can be packaged with this film.
Traco’s PVC shrink film requires very low temperature to shrink (works great with heat guns). This shrink film is ideal for operators who work with (low end) 110-volt sealers and shrink tunnels as well as 220-volt systems. It has the ability to resist ambient heat in transit and storage. Suppliers prefer PVC shrink film because it improves shelf life and is less likely to experience problems with blocking from unintended exposure to heat or sunlight.
PVC films are ideal for food manufacturers or processing plants. It’s the number one choice for food suppliers needing to shrink wrap fruit baskets because of its FDA compliance for indirect food contact.
Ask one of our packaging specialists for a free sample to test on your equipment. They will help manufacturers or suppliers determine whether we can be the shrink film plastic supplier to best suit your needs.
Options include center folded, single wound, tubing, roll lengths, guages, micro-perforations, substrate formulations, clear, tinted or printed.
Also known as: super shrink, supershrink, center-folded, centerfolded, center folded, PVC, pvc, P.V.C., polyvinyl chloride, plastic shrink film, single wound, tubing.

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Our Location
620 S 1325 W
Orem, UT 84085 USA
Let’s Talk
Phone : +1 866-516-1205
Fax : +1 801-431-0801
Working Hours
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm